Shadowing for prospective students
For students who are seriously considering attending a SCCS High School, a “Shadow Experience” may be arranged to give the student a chance to experience a day at the school. Accompanied by a student host, interested students may attend classes for a day. While in attendance, the visitor will be under the supervision of that school’s administration. Both the host student and guest must follow all school and classroom rules.
Santa Cruz High School Shadow Protocols
To request a visit, contact Jacqui Adler, Registrar at least one week prior to the intended visitation. If there are particular courses or programs that the student is interested in, they should notify the registrar when scheduling the visit. The school maintains a list of student hosts and the guest student will be matched by school personnel with an appropriate student host to shadow. While we appreciate that guest students may have friends at the school, they are asked to shadow one of the trained host students.
No shadowing will be permitted the week before finals or the week of finals. It is also discouraged during state and AP testing in April and May. In order to reduce the impact on our school community, we have a limit of two students shadowing per day at each school.
On the day of the visit, the guest student and parent or guardian should go to the Counseling Office, where they will sign the Student Shadow Permission Slip, receive a guest pass, and meet the host student.
For more information, contact our Counseling Office at (831)429-3960 Ext. 50303